Saturday, January 17, 2009

We had a very busy week getting everyone settled into a new routine. Lyndle hit it hard with classes and studying all day. Logan started his new school and Ethan started going to daycare in the mornings. Lyndle will definitely be too busy to do much blogging. I am not the story teller with all of the detail that Lyndle is so my posts won't weave the stories quite so well. My apologies. I guess that's why I majored in math instead of something more creative.

Logan was ready to go to his new school. His new teacher, Ms. Cool, is a native Dominican. About the first or second day he told her that his ears didn't just quite work right to understand her. She laughed as she told me. I am sure that he will soon have more of a Dominican accent than Okie accent. It sure didn't take him long to pick up his little Okie accent so I don't expect this to be much different. He made a new buddy from Texas, Sammy, in our first couple of days on the island. Sammy is in his class so they are excited to see each other. The school is small with Pre-K and Kindergarten sharing the same classroom & teacher. Most of the kids are like Logan and Sammy - only here for a short time while a parent attends medical school.

Ethan was ready to go to school too. Or so he said. He quickly decided that spending the morning at daycare with some new friends is okay. He's already claiming a new best buddy from daycare - a little boy from Wisconsin named Aidan. He looks forward to going to play with Aidan in the morning now. This frees me up to try to keep up with my work.

I was excited that the internet speed here is faster than what we had in the US. I have been able to keep working my 20 hours a week for Allied. Juggling work and the other aspects of island life is keeping me busy. It's about a 30 minute walk to get the boys to school by 8 am. After that I hike it back to our apartment ( unless someone or something sidetracks me along the way). I have some time to work then until I have to pack up lunch & head back to school to eat with the boys. There is no school lunch program here like we are used to in the States. The parents are responsible for their children over the lunch hour. It keeps us busy to make sure that we are there this extra time during the day, but it is actually a nice time for families and we usually eat with some of the other families. Ethan is finished with day care by lunch time, but Logan still has 2 hours of class after that. Sometimes we Ethan and I just hang out on the playground until Logan is finished. Then we have the 30 minute walk home with the boys. Lyndle can make the walk in about 15 minutes and I can make it in about 20 minutes when we are alone. The little legs that include a lot of jumping and extra steps make the trip a little longer.

A lot more happened this week but I will have to save it for the next blog. This was my trial blog - see if I can figure out how to do it.

1 comment:

  1. so cool that you guys are doing this and keeping everyone in the loop in the interim.

    i am totally a blogger and LOVE being snoopy into other peeps lives.
