Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday morning

Did a little laundry this morning. Consists of heating water in the 220V 50Hz electric rice steamer, pouring that into kitchen sink, adding powdered laundry detergent and SCRUB, BABY, SCRUB!!! Tap water here reminds me of taking a bath at Mawmaw Hoover's, there's sand in it. My understanding is that it is fresh water from some river high in the mountains that is caught and piped in. So naturally, a little bita nature comes with it, and fortunately so far no Montezuma's revenge from drinking it. We have a Brita filter, but I doubt the effectiveness of it...brown water in, brown water out. So far the brown water has not lasted long and seems associated with the torrential rain yesterday morning. Anyway, Brian caught me, shirt off, scrubbing laundry in the sink, so will upload that pic if I can get it from him.

We 4 went to the BBQ social last night, and Brian stayed to catch up on email, football scores, etc. Had the natives out with kettle drums, 55 gallon steel barrels and other noise making utensils. I don't know what was providing the melody, but it actually was really good music. Found one more Okie, a guy from Edmond. He said he never thought he'd see Oklahoma represented by more than him. Spent most of our time with Kevin and Chris Lynn, another family here that have two boys, Conner, 8, and Sam, almost 6. They're from Texas, so hit it off really good. Our boys are having a blast with theirs, good they're already making buddies. Have met people from NJ, CA, WI and many other places.

"Sand umbrella for router" is something I never thought I'd type. There's sand everywhere, so it gets tracked in, attaches to toys, and many other routes I'm sure, and since the router has holes in the top, I'm considering folding a piece of paper over the holes and taping it there to keep some of the sand out. Our internet speed seems pretty fast, probably DSL and the router has been nice. At first the wireless part wasn't working, but it is now....Woooo Hoooo.

Saw a fresh blue marlin being hacked up with a machete and a couple of dozen fresh tuna. The marlin was probably 18 inches diameter and perhaps 6 foot long nose to tail. The tuna were about 1 foot long and maybe 5 inches diameter. I'm gonna be on the lookout for this again once we learn how to fix it. Our main cooking drawback now is that the propane bottle under the kitchen counter is nearly empty, so our main cooking utensil is the rice steamer (that earlier doubled as laundry water heater)

Okay, going to go get an island foods introduction at campus. There's a lot of fresh produce here but don't know how to prepare it. We had a very tasty Creole eggplant dish last night as well as some Dasheene, hamburgers, ice cream, fresh orange juice that was out of this world, Coke, fresh grapefruit juice, and grilled plantains.

Will try to post more photos soon.

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