Sunday, February 22, 2009

We're driving again.

We're glad to have a car again. It's made the trips to and from school much easier for all of us. This was especially good for Ethan coming home in the afternoons. It also allows me to come home and work a little bit between lunch and the time that Logan gets out of school. The walk with the boys is about 25 or 30 minutes as it's close to a mile and a half. It's great exercise though & I miss that, but I'm glad for the extra time to do other chores.

We have a 1992 Nissan Bluebird. Never heard of it? We hadn't either until we got here. It's actually pretty nice as cars go here among med students and even the locals. It was interesting to learn to drive on the left side of the road & I still remind myself of that when I'm behind the wheel. The driver sits on the right side of the car in most vehicles here. I'll post a picture. And yes, I realize it's parked on the wrong side of the street. I'm learning to drive like a Dominican. Look out when I get back to the US! Oh, and they DO drive on the sidewalks pretty often.

All that being said, we are driving less this week. When living in the Caribbean, don't let your gas gauge drop below half a tank. We haven't been able to find gas in either station here in the Portsmouth area for several days. We still have a little, but we're conserving until we can fill up. The walks have been nice and friends have offered rides in some instances. We're doing okay with it. We hope we can fill the gas tank this week though so Ethan doesn't have to walk home in the afternoon without a nap. Otherwise, we'll be walking everywhere again.

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