Thursday, December 31, 2009


There are situations described as mental war
Rattled to the bone and shaken to the core
I've seen the lady often on a careful walk
The demons in my head ceased their quiet talk
A dire situation, there's something I should do
Demons got the victory I couldn't lift a shoe
Why is it we struggle to do a worthy deed
A moment of victory to help another's need
Again today I saw her at the corner shack
Buying a few simple loaves to place in her sack
She had a friend with her who seemed to assist
Again demons got the victory ne'r e'en resist
As I climbed the steps my back to the scene
Again the mental drifting as if in a dream
But as I turned the corner heard on the street below
Was an audible ticking with no friend in tow

Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick

Then the sound shifted with a violent CLANG
Through my hollow skull as a shot that rang
I turned to face my demons and with a feeble yelp
I just simply muttered "Ma'am may I help?"
She paused on her journey, beautiful and straight
I hope I didn't startle her when I reached the gate
When I reached her side, she stretched forth her hand
Placed it on my elbow and walked the way she'd planned
What happened next has really left me shocked
Demons now silent knowing they've been mocked
Normal Dominican chatter is really quite chopped
Words abruptly ended and sentences are cropped
But this was really different, smooth as Oriental silk
Warm to the touch as freshly drawn milk
Seems an angel dropped from heaven walking dusty street
Slaying my demons and laying them at my feet
She made the process easy this act of being kind
You see my friend Lillian, beautiful.

And blind.